Use Cases

Reduce Carbon Emissions

As COVID continues to change our working schedule and habits, more and more individuals are beginning to work part time at home in order to spend more time with the family and to take care of personal matters that they previously never had time for

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Data-Oriented Workplace Environment

The current workplace environment is rapidly changing, especially with the introduction of hybrid work modes that allow employees to work partially from home and in the office. Businesses continue to offer this medium of part-time office attendance yet their building and operational costs remain the same. 

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How Environmental Data Helps Building Operators Save Money

The first step in being able to eliminate – or at least reduce – the unnecessary use of L-HVAC systems (lighting, heating, ventilation, and air conditioning) is to have real time information and knowledge on whether people are around to enjoy it when it’s on. Sounds simple, right?

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Workplace Transformation

Organizations are transforming their offices to match the changing demands of today’s modern workforce. The biggest challenge has always been that building operators lack the data they need to create these personalized workspaces.

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Building Automation

PointGrabs CogniPoint™ sensor translate the natural movements of your building’s occupant data into priceless insights. One of the most useful features for this data is building automation. 

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Office Space Utilization

PointGrab’s CogniPoint™ sensor collects and monitors employee movement and translates it into useable data. This type of data can make a huge impact on management decisions regarding optimal office space utilization decisions.

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